Providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees
Having a culture of awareness about sustainability and the environment; where responsibility is assigned and understood
Conserving natural resources by reusing and recycling wherever possible
Using operations and processes that do not adversely affect the environment
Ensuring the responsible use of energy throughout the organization
Continually taking steps to improve environmental performance
Conducting rigorous audits, evaluations, and self-assessment of how we implement environmental policy
MBL has established sound environmental practices in all of its operations and projects by always following these guiding principles:
Enhancing awareness among our employees, volunteers, and users; educating and motivating them to act in an environmentally responsible manner
Creating a culture in which everyone accepts responsibility and accountability for his or her own health and safety, as well as the health and safety of others, and feels empowered to promptly report non-compliance or unsafe conditions, and to take immediate action to prevent injuries or environmental accidents
Our Executive Management continually review and enhance our environmental philosophy to ensure it is a current and relevant part of MBL's strategic commitment to continuous improvement.
Focus on environmental issues continues to grow, with the challenge of climate change one that we must all come together to overcome.
The construction industry faces a number of challenges; from the use and recycling of materials, to how we power the machines that transform our projects from vision to reality.
Saudi Arabia has committed to achieving carbon neutral status by 2060 and MBL are working to support that goal by constantly reviewing our processes and looking for new ways to reduce our carbon footprint and find more environmentally-friendly ways in which to do business.
MBL recognizes that the construction industry can have a significant impact on the environment. We are committed to conducting our activities in an environmentally responsible manner.
MBL’s goal is to meet environmental protection standards expected by the community at large and to strive to exceed those standards.